Author name: Margo Boster


The Last Few Days and Off the Ship

We last left you in Stanley, Falkland Islands four days ago. Since leaving Antarctica and the Falklands I think we went into a bit of a slump. We were talking with our trivia friends last night on the ship about what was the best part. Each person agreed, there was no one “best part.” Experiencing…


Stanley, Falkland Islands

We awoke this morning in Stanley, Falkland Islands, and had to catch the 8:15 tender to shore to be there in time for our 9:00 am tour. It was a 20-minute tender ride, then 20-minute ride in a minibus, then 20 minutes in a 4×4 to go see the King Penguins. Alan Johnson would have…


Drake Passage and New Island, Falklands

Crossing Drake Passage was not the extreme event for us that it might be for others. Seabourn Quest uses highly sophisticated technology that tells the Captain when to wait due to bad conditions or when to hurry up along with the special build of the ship, we crossed Drake Passage with 10’ – 12’ swells. …

Antartica, Travel

Farewell to Antarctica – for now

The grandeur of Antarctica has captured both of us. We can stand on the deck or at the window and just watch… Watch the snow blow, or the birds flying by, or the water. Watch the incredible penguins swim through and under the water. Watch the elephant seal ever so slowly turn her head and…


Spectacular Evening at Lamaire Channel

We last wrote on Thursday when we were having an expedition day. Later that afternoon the Captain had to go 12 miles offshore to dump grey water. The waves picked up dramatically, and Margo got caught off-guard. Thursday evening Margo ended up in the cabin lying in bed trying to not be totally sick. She…


An Antarctic Expedition

We awoke this morning at 7:00 am with an announcement, “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. This is the Captain from the bridge. I apologize for waking you so early but I have information I need to share. The weather has changed and we now have swells and winds of 30 knots, with gusts to 50…


Half Moon Island

Today we went ashore at Half Moon Island, one of the most beautiful sites in the South Shetlands. Our scheduled departure time was 11:00 am, and everything was on schedule. Getting dressed and layered up for the trip ashore was much easier than yesterday. Getting into the Zodiac is also becoming more comfortable. The staff…


Yankee Harbor in South Shetlands Island

Wow! Our first time to step foot onto Antarctica. We were scheduled to go ashore at 12:30; however, were delayed about 30 minutes because the zodiacs from the first group (8:00 am) got iced in. While we will try to post pictures, NO picture can capture the grandeur of this place. Margo started the day…


Crossing Drake Passage

Margo appreciates all the kind comments she receives about her wonderful writing in the blog. She must clarify and give credit where credit is due. Here is our general process for documenting our journey. Margo starts a draft describing what she recalls from the day, then Mark takes a pass and adds his part, generally…


Ushuaia, The end of the world

Last night before bed the Captain suggested we secure our cabin due to potential rough seas. We thought we were thorough in our preparations, but Margo woke about 2:00 am hearing bottles rattling together. Apparently, she hadn’t properly secured them. Mark slept through the rocking…

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