I was on a (long) flight last week and my seat mate asked, “So what do you do?” I answered that I was an executive and leadership coach. This elicited a response I often hear—so what is that, what do they do, what happens?
I recounted the story of Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, who was asked the question, “What was the best advice you ever got?” His answer? “Get a coach.”
“The one thing that people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really, really helps,” he explained.
As I explained executive/leadership coaching to my seat mate, I realized that others may have the same questions. Below are some of the answers:
What is executive/ leadership coach?
Coaching is a one-on-one personalized leadership development relationship between a coach and an individual executive or manager.
What do coaches do? Coaches help individual leaders build on their strengths, develop flexibility and change-readiness, create awareness of shortcomings and build commitment to self-development and achievement. Coaches do the following:
Help their clients set better goals and then reach those goals.
Ask their clients to do more than they would have done on their own.
Focus their clients to more quickly produce results.
Provide the tools, support and structure to accomplish more.
How do coaches do that?
Coaches are trained to listen, to observe, and to customize their approach to individual client needs. The coach’s job is to provide support to enhance the leader’s skills, resources, and creativity. Many coaches are also trained in the use of a variety of assessment tools that help provide further insight for the leader.
What are the benefits of hiring a coach?
The coach can help an executive or leader see things differently, resulting in a better outcome. There are a number of studies on the ROI of leadership coaching. However many of the benefits of coaching are difficult to quantify (i.e., what would the leader have done had they not had coaching compared to what the leader did since they received coaching?) In general, executives/leaders who receive coaching tend to lead better (rather than just tell people what to do), communicate more effectively, have enhanced thinking and decision-making skills, improve interpersonal effectiveness, and increase confidence in carrying out chosen work and life roles.
Can Executive/Leadership Coaching help our poor performers?
My answer to this question is a resounding “NO”. Coaching does not save poor performers; it helps good leaders or those with potential to be better. Executive coaching is an intervention that works with individuals who are at a level of performance that meets or exceeds expectations. Coaching helps leaders excel in their current role and expand to the next level.
What can I expect to happen during a coaching session?
Each meeting is conducted in-person, via video conferencing, or over the phone. You can expect honest feedback, clarifying questions, support, and challenge. You can also expect confidentiality. In order for coaching to work well, we provide individuals the confidential space to speak candidly about their successes, frustrations, mistakes and possibilities. We may use assessment tools such as competency assessments, MBTI, DISC, or a 360 assessment. We may also “shadow” you to meetings or presentations to observe your performance and give you confidential feedback.
How do I choose a coach?
The most important thing to look for in selecting a coach is someone with whom you feel you can easily relate to and create the most powerful partnership. To learn more, click here to read about types of coaches and selecting a coach.
If you and/or your company have consider engaging in executive or leadership coaching as part of your development, please contact me for a free, no-obligation (and no pressure!) consultation. I am happy to discuss leadership development and coaching at any time – even on long airline flights.
“A Coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.” – Tom Landry